
Speed of Light!

I am sure I am not alone in thinking time passes so quickly-even more quickly when the days are packed with activities and tasks! While the ANWG Conference (Weavers) was a 1 1/2 day set up, 3 day show, 1 1/2 day take down and long drive home, it went so quickly-in hindsight!
What an exciting parade of people in their woven creations; scarves, shawls, bags, coats, vests, belts, sashes...so beautiful, creative, some absolutely stunning. Had 3 adventurous persons buy the Bison fluff. One plan was to spin lace weight and make a shawl! Would love to see that one! 

I had a doctor appointment upon my return and I was amazed I had not gained weight...not only since last year, but since this last week's cafeteria offerings! It must have been the walking from dorm to cafeteria to vendor mall to cafeteria to dorm each day. I didn't move my truck from its space at the dorm once I had received a ticket for parking any place else. :?{  I met lots of fun people and let them know where to find Bell, Hook & Spindle!
 And, I have installed my first fuzz machine in my office. Her name is Slippers, an Angora/Rex cross, that will provide fluff for me to spin. She is super calm, gorgeous colors and will make an excellent shop mascot. Once she is settled into our new shop and comfortable with me and everyone else, I may have to find a friend for her, who will be named Fu Fu, of course. And then...a date with an English Angora buck, perhaps? A few of Slipper's tales will be posted on the Living With Loki page on this blog.


10, 9, 8, 7...

I am into the countdown mode regarding the Weaver's Conference in Bellingham this week. Tomorrow I pack, I mean PACK, my truck with all my earthly wooliness, all day, until I drop. Wednesday morning I rise and shine and head for the North Cascades route over to the West Side of Washington State. I am more than slightly pumped for this trip and experience. I have never vended a Weaver's Conference before and reading what the other vendors are offering I can tell it might be 'dangerous' for me to leave my booth...it seems there will be many unique treasures available. Oh, dear...
So, wish me luck if you live far away. And come come say, "Hi", if you live close enough to do so!
Have a good evening!